Foodprint 2013

The new Foodprint is out! The publication was revealed on monday 18th of march at Flanders Expo in Gent.

Just like the previous years, I created an exclusive image for the publication, building further on the fine line between Food and Fashion (see the Foodprint entry in my Portfolio for the images of the previous years).

For 2013, I wanted to share with you My martini Man (best chin since batman :-))

Stephanie Fraikin Foodprint 2013

What is it?

At aged 10, I started photography in a local club.
On a rainy afternoon, we were shown rayographs (if you’re Man Ray, or photograms) and how to do them. (basically, you take an object, place it on some light-sensitive material, like photographic paper, and expose it to light).

I found this one in an old box, but can you tell me:
what is it?



I shot these back in June, in the “Felix Pakhuis” in Antwerp. It was terribly hot so I was glad I had some very portable lights. I tested my Ranger Quadra for the first time that day… Since then we’re inseparable!
And Maarten did a great job for a first-timer.

Model: Maarten
MUA: Daisy Vermandel