I’m very proud and happy to announce that my entry for the Straffe Artists contest from the Halve Maan brewery won 1st prize!
The 2nd labor of Hendrik: Hendrik and the Fey
In return for the power to brew the perfect beer, Hendrik, like fabled Hercules, must first perform 12 legendary labors. For his 2nd challenge he must seek out and defeat the mysterious Morgane, rumored to be a magical woodland Fey, who holds the secret to growing the perfect hop and barley.
The artwork will be printed on canvas and exhibited around the world! Keep an eye out for it and don’t hesitate to send me pictures. Who knows, in some places it might even hang next to my entry of last year (which got the 2nd prize).

Huge thanks to Jimmy (Hendrik), Annelies (Morgane) and Audrey (MUA) for being awesome.